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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


So, after playing catch up, I think I’m finally back on track with PROJECT52. I expect this “off-track” thing to be a trend in the next couple of months as we prepare and move into our new home. Only four more weeks! We have friends that live in the development and she texted me a […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Last week’s theme for P52 was “big”. I realized, as I was dressing Ev to go play at the playground, that my little girl was growing fast, right before my eyes. I am still having a hard time believing that I put ACTUAL shoes on her feet. Not her UGG slippers that we adore so […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have fallen behind these last few weeks in Project 52. So, today you get a double dose! Last week’s theme was “Evening Ritual”. I’d been wanting to get some photos of Evie in the tub, so I decided to use that as my theme.  Although, our evening ritual really consists of bedtime stories, the […]

This week’s theme, fittingly enough, is “love”. Thinking about this topic, I knew I wanted to capture some casual photos of my little family’s love that we share. Of course, in typical fashion, the little miss hasn’t been in the best spirits since her molars are coming in (can’t say I blame her there!). But, […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This week’s theme for P52 was “Red”. I’ll be honest, I just ran around my house 15 minutes ago looking for something red to photograph. I took a few pictures of Evie’s toys, but this image was the most telling. YES. That is a Christmas decoration still out in the Winchester residence. It is vase […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m super excited to be able to share this wall art guide with you all! Have you ever wondered what they were talking about when they said “GO BIG OR GO HOME”? They might have been talking about wall art! No, but seriously. If you plan to fill your walls with magnificently beautiful works of […]

Wall Guide Chrissy Winchester Photography

“Winter” was this week’s theme for P52. It’s not quite the winters I’m used to in PA, that’s for sure! Typically, the average temperature during the day is in the mid 40’s- mid 50’s, which is amazing! However, the nights and mornings are cold! Typically temps are in the low 20’s, brrr! I would have […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Of course, for this week’s photo challenge, I knew I wanted to capture my little loves hands. This was NOT an easy task, because her hands are ALWAYS moving and don’t stay still for very long! I captured this shot while walking around with her and decided this is the one I would use! I […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well folks, I’ve done it again!  I’ve signed up for another PROJECT 52 photo challenge. I’ve already determined I would never survive a 365 project unless I could use my iPhone 90% of the time. Isn’t that terrible?! But, I THINK I can handle a photo a week! Last year, I participated in a PROJECT […]

Here are my top 10 tips for capturing the magic of Christmas morning. Enjoy!

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