This little love and her mama were among the first people I met when moving to NC and I am so lucky to call a small group of mamas, including Miss R’s, my closest friends! When mom asked that I take two year (YES, can you believe it! R and Evie are only a few weeks apart… we have TWO YEAR OLDS PEOPLE!) pictures for R’s birthday, I was more than happy! Isn’t she just the cutest? I mean she’s like a little bohemian baby model! And her personality is the best… she never disappoints with her many facial expressions and personality! And I mean… come on… those blue eyes… GOSH!
I believe this was probably right about the time I discovered the paint stains on her hands from preschool. She thinks it’s pretty funny 🙂
These… along with some others I can’t share yet, are some of my favorite images. Nothing beats a good old vintage suitcase and some golden fall sunlight!
OHHH that sunflare! That little tyke isn’t so bad either 😉
