I have another fun senior session to share with you today! Madison contacted me last minute for her senior photos and I’m so glad we were able to squeeze her in! We had a super fun session and mom and her had some great location ideas we were able to utilize!
Also- here is something so fascinating, she is taking Chinese as her language of choice. Say what?! I know right… she wants to become a communications major and deal with business relations overseas. How cool is that?! I wish I had such focus and direction at her age!
Mom had an idea of using some space she was familiar with as a Davidson College Alum. Unfortunately, when we got there, the gates were closed. However, that didn’t stop us from using the long driveway to capture some delicious light and a gorgeous field!
Our next stop was to an old plantation house mom was familiar with from growing up in the area. We weren’t sure what it was being used for currently, but it had some AWESOME backdrops! I’m dying to shoot there again!
I love this silly shot of Madison. I had so many favorites!
Again with the gorgeousness all around. Light, lady… perfection!
Our last stop was to Langtree shopping center and apartments. They have some awesome space you can walk around that is waterfront and we totally took advantage! I LOVE LOVE this shot of Madison! I had so many favorites it was hard to choose just five!
– Chrissy
