This little man is just the handsomest, and now he is a big ONE YEAR OLD!
I first met Baby Parker when his mom and I connected while I was on the search for a Make Up Artist. She happened to pop up in my newsfeed through a mutual friend, I feel in love with her work- and the rest is history! If you follow us at all on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve seen many posts referring to “Lovely By Lindsey“. We are lucky enough to have her for our senior and newborn sessions, which include make up application.
Well this little man is her baby, and he turned one on New Year’s Eve! What an awesome thing to have a birthday on New Year’s Eve?! As you can see, he took full advantage and partied it up with his cake smash session!
It took him a bit and a little help from Mama, but once he got the hang of it, he started to dig right in. Proof is below!
See what I mean… he was having a blast putting his handprints all over Mama’s floors! The dog didn’t mind one bit 😉
After the mess, must come clean up. Mom stuck him in the sink for a quick bath before getting some portraits with the family. I snuck in this shot while he was bathing. So adorable!
Lucky for him, Baby P was surrounded by family and friends for his big day- even his grandparents who flew in all the way from Switzerland!
