I’m a little partial to this sweet girl. She happens to be my own 🙂
She was a dream to photograph…with her sleepy smiles and puckered lips, she looked every bit like a dream come true! It took about three tries to get a good time to photograph her, but the timing was finally right!
Every girl needs accessories, and with this vintage-styled muslin wraps and beautiful oversized floral headband, it was perfection. We kept it sweet and simple with tones of cream, pink, and peach, to highlight her loveliness.
I adore newborn photo shoots because of the way that they capture such a fleeting moment in time. Everyone says it, but it is so true that the newborn stage is over in a mere blink, and you always wish you had savored the little curled fists and long lashes and that brand-new-baby smell just a little more. Having newborn photos done ensures that you can return to those moments anytime though a portrait. Want to book a session just like the one here of darling Baby A? To see more of my work with these tiny and precious ones, you can click here to view the “babies and bellies” portion of my portfolio!
“Grace was in all her steps. Heaven in her eye.
In every gesture, dignity and love.” – John Milton
