This sweet girl… she is about the same age as my littlest, and just adorable. They are so sweet at this age! I’m so glad mama decided to capture this moment in time. They will never be this little again, and surely those little things they do (like munch on their chubby little hands) are memories that will be forgotten. This outfit she is sporting was her mama’s when she was a babe! I love that mom decided to include it in her session!
As I was going through the images from her session, I saw the many faces of M. This one was mid-sentence I believe!
The milestone most three month old littles are accomplishing is holding their head up. I’d say M has it mastered, don’t ya think?! Also- another priceless expression!
This face is my favorite… I mean, I really, really love this sweet expression. So much so, that it made it as a finalist onto my new set of business cards from!
And this, friends, this is Miss M’s model post! How stinkin’ adorable is she! Her hair color is to-die-for. People PAY to have those color locks, and she was born with them! Just precious!
