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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


Our Girls
I try REALLY REALLY hard to get monthly photos of the little ones up until their first birthday and then 18 months and after that yearly. I absolutely adore to see how they change (although it’s equally as sad!) and I especially like comparing them, now that we have two, to see their similarities and differences.
IMG_0051This session was kind of an impromptu one. My parents happened to be in town, so I was able to have help getting the girls to smile and sit still- always helpful while photographing your own children! The weather was pretty gorgeous that day and I had been wanting to get them done, so last minute after nap, I got everyone dressed and off we went to one of my favorite places to shoot at- Fisher Farm in Davidson, NC.
IMG_0068I particularly adore shooting here because it’s just open fields and trees. That really allows me to capture expressions, connections and personalities without any distractions in the background. Also- hello, the light. It is absolutely gorgeous! Amazing, warm fall sunset light gets me in the gut.
Our GirlsEnough about swoon-worthy lighting… when I loaded these images onto my computer, I about died. I have been wanting to edit them forever, but during busy season personal projects get pushed to the side until time allows for me to work on them. These were taken back in the beginning of November and I’ve had to watch them sit on my desktop since then. It’s been torturous, because I knew once I got the final edits done, these would become some of my favorite images of the girls… and I was right.
That day must have been a golden opportunity, because I had full cooperation and was able to capture their personalities beautifully. I don’t know how they’re allowed to grow up so quickly. It surely isn’t fair- and I’m even one of those moms that is always excited to move onto the next phase (put away the bottles cluttering the counter, ship off the playmats and mobiles to little cousins, get the potty-training seats out of here). I think it’s the fact that I know there will be mo more bottles cluttering our counter and playmats crowding our living room- potty training is yet to come with A- since we aren’t planning for anymore babies. It is a bittersweet transition for sure.
Fisher Farm Davidson NC
We are so blessed to have these two little nuggets and they have brought more joy to our lives than they realize!


Our Girls- 3 years and 8 months

This Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session was one of the highlights of the year. Offering branding sessions has been such a fun way to keep things fresh. Plus, I love collaborating with other creatives in the Davidson, NC, area! Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session | North Carolina Something you may not know about me or […]

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Family snuggling during their family session | Image by Chrissy Winchester Photography

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