This little bug… I look at her and the word I think of is Joy. She is, as far as we plan, our last little baby and she was the perfect compliment to her big sister and the last piece to our family. For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you may notice many of her sessions look familiar. That’s because I tried to do similar session for both girls at about the same time. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen the side-by-side comparison of both girls from this session.
This location was recommended by a friend who photographs her kids there- it’s RIGHT at the entrance to our development. I did my first session there a few months previously and was pleasantly surprised at the gorgeous light that came through! I mean… the adorable little baby isn’t so bad either!
I LOVE this shot. The contrast, the composition, the baby-ness, the little hands, toes, nose… everything! I just adore that it really shows the whole picture.
That baby face… I seriously think I kiss and munch on those cheeks over a 1,000 times a day- because she lets me! She is such a cuddle bug and typically doesn’t mind that we love all over her.
Not too long ago… we learned how to clap. Now, it is one of her most favorite things to do. I was clapping too y’all- that light is just yummy!
