This sweet girl is about the same age as my youngest. In fact, her three month milestone session was one of my first sessions back to work after maternity leave. I love getting to follow these kiddos through each milestone and seeing them back every few months to see how they’ve grown and to hear about their newest accomplishments!
Miss M always has the best faces and with every session, she doesn’t disappoint. She is so animated and it is so adorable to see all of her expressions!
This age is when they start to be on-the-go. This little miss was just about to crawl away on me when I snapped this shot. She paused for a second before getting up and taking off for those fun sounding leaves just at the end of the blanket!
That smile though! She is so adorable and I love this little outfit. Mom said the cardigan makes her look so grown up, and I couldn’t agree more! The lighting in this image is also pretty gorgeous!
This session was in December (luckily on a somewhat mild day). Mom brought some of these more Christmas-y looking outfits to use for the holiday. They are adorable!
This sweet pea looks so adorable in this classic red romper. She is the sweetest little thing! I know I say it every time… but her auburn locks are to-die-for!
