Hey Friends!! I am so excited to share this news with you! It is something I have been thinking about for the last year (after receiving many requests) and have been actively working on, since the beginning of this year!
I will admit, I am not the best teacher there is. I often jump from one thought to another and can be hard to follow at times (hello, baby brain… 13 months postpartum still counts, right!?). However, I have a heart for SHARING. I love to share about things I love, knowledge I have acquired and probably some information that is a little TMI! hah. So, when I was asked to TEACH a class about photography… as you can imagine, I was a little hesitant. But, for what have we been given talents and knowledge if not to share and teach others.
So, when thinking about this class and what I wanted it to be, I knew one thing for sure, I wanted it to be a well-rounded class. I wanted the students to walk away knowing more about how to use their camera and how to get the best images of their subjects. I also knew that PRACTICE was important and that everyone learns differently.
Taking those things into consideration and also knowing that I wanted to have another photographer there to lend her insight (and preferably her Nikon familiarity!) I found the perfect partner in crime Stacey Lanier of Stacey Lanier Photography!
So, let’s get into the details… what exactly will you be learning:
Protecting your memories
Engaging your subject
Capturing the details
ISO & noise
Shutter speed
You’ll also have two professional photographers at your disposal (one Canon user and one Nikon user) to help with any questions you have!
THE BEST PART… You will have time at the end of class to put to use the new skills you’ve learned and we will be right there to help you! And… refreshments… there will be FOOD and DRINKS! AND SWAG BAGS!! Ok… so that’s a lot of “best parts”, but that just goes to show, it’s going to be amazing!!
I can’t wait to have you all come and learn to use your fancy DSLR’s with us!! Ready to grab your seat at the early bird rate of $129?
Fine Print:
Classes will be held Thursday 5/19 from 6:30-8:30pm and Saturday 5/21 from 10:00-12:00pm.
Class will take place in the Huntersville/Cornelius area.
Each class will be limited to 12 seats.
Seat must be paid in full when booking.
