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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


This was a happy accident that I got to photograph this family. I had donated a gift card to The Mighty Acorns Foundation auction and the winner was about two hours away and traveled weekly. She wasn’t able to make it, so she posted it for sale and this sweet mama grabbed it!
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I adore this image! This family was so fun-loving and laid back. That always makes for the best sessions; when they’re just willing to have fun!
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This sweet baby wasn’t a fan of the camera for most of the session, but loves her mama enough to sneak a kiss in for me to capture!
Chrissy Winchester Photography-7This little boy was so fun to do a session with. He was very energetic and talkative! I love how he just naturally loved up on dad like this!
Chrissy Winchester Photography-30I always love to have the kiddos run up to mom and dad for a hug. It always makes for a great candid shot!


Bolick Family | Charlotte Family Photographer

This Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session was one of the highlights of the year. Offering branding sessions has been such a fun way to keep things fresh. Plus, I love collaborating with other creatives in the Davidson, NC, area! Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session | North Carolina Something you may not know about me or […]

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Last week, I shared all about Family Milestone Sessions. This week, I’m sharing a bit more info on the best time to book those (or any baby milestone session). Clients and prospective clients alike always ask the best questions. The one I get the most often is when is the best age to book a […]

Mom and Dad kissing their baby on the cheek | Image by Chrissy Winchester

Curious about turning your baby’s milestone session into a family milestone session? This post is for you! The Signature Session I love it when clients include their whole family in their baby’s milestone session. Our Signature Sessions allow your entire crew to join us, and they are always full of snuggles and laughs. During every […]

Family snuggling during their family session | Image by Chrissy Winchester Photography

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Baby + Kid Must-Haves

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Resources for the new mom, the seasoned mom and the cool mom.

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