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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


I had the pleasure of meeting Mandi a few weeks ago for our Mompreneur Blog Series photo shoot and she was so fun to work with! I loved hearing her story of how she followed her dreams and made a business that works for her! Read more about her story below!
Mompreneur Blog Series

My name is Mandi. By trade and passion I am a Graphic Designer, running my own business. By love and grace, I am a wife, a daughter and more recently a mommy. I have had my own design business now for 5 years and counting, helping tell brand stories for companies nationwide. I feel so very fortunate to have the flexibility to balance my business along with my new precious family.

When I was in school, I knew that my goal with graphic design would be to own my own business one day. After 10 years working for various companies I felt it was time to take the leap of faith and start my own firm allowing me to work with clients in all industries on projects of all sizes.

I have a passion for hand lettering and graphic design. I approach all projects by putting pen to paper, brainstorming how to best tell my clients story. When I was starting out, I remember talking to a friend who asked what I was doing and I said, “just waiting on the ink to dry”. I realized that whether it is printer ink or calligraphy ink, my goal is to get the brand or project to where we are happy with the ink being dry.

Dry Ink Designs was established nearly 6 years ago by owner and creative director, Mandi Boedicker. A design firm catering to those desiring a hand crafter visual brand story. Mandi works with clients from many different industries and backgrounds, developing a vision into an entire brand to share with the world.

I am lucky enough to have the ability to work from anywhere that has wifi. Home, coffee shops, parks and my favorite which is in a rocking chair overlooking the lake.
(This is her adorable little one year old who was SO patient while we were shooting!)

Flexibility can certainly create chaos at times, but I’ve found that I can actually thrive off of the constant change throughout my day. At any moment, I am juggling my design work, playing with my son (1 year old), taking the dog for a quick walk, and preparing dinner for my family. I schedule 2 days per week for myself which is when I can really crank out the majority of my bigger projects. And on the personal side of things, my husband and I schedule a date night once a month where we can just be us, no work, no schedule and no unnecessary interruptions. Overall, I’ve learned to stay very present in the moment and roll with whatever comes my way, and smile as often as I can for a life I am grateful for.

The flexibility of having my own business is by far the best aspect. I feel lucky to get to be a mom to my son, choose my own hours and more importantly chose my own clients. This way of life has taken many years to develop, and I am so grateful to have it.

The hardest part is the constant changing of ‘hats’. I adore being the creative mind, but I also have to put a lot of time and focus towards the business and financial aspects of my company as well.
Mompreneur Blog Series

I have been fortunate to learn from many amazing people. I still have much to do, but hope to one day be able to share with other inspiring young designers. That could mean bringing on younger designers or having speaking engagements to share on a wider scale, but nonetheless… I hope to grow and share my passion of design.

I love being around my house spending time painting, crafting, and gardening. If I am not at home you will find me at the local thrift store looking for my next project!

I’d have to say my favorite household product is my new vacuum cleaner. This may sound a bit ornery, but organization and cleanliness really help productivity.

All the mom’s with babes out there will understand this one… a camisole! My little guy pulls and tugs on my shirts – so my camisole has saved me many times while in public!
Mompreneur Blog Series

My first job was working for a residential appraisal company where I typed up appraisals of homes. This was back before computers were mainstream, and everything was done on a typewriter. My how times have changed.

I would love to have a conversation with writer, Elizabeth Gilbert. I love how she isn’t afraid to be vulnerable to allow for lessons of love to come through her work. I’m inspired by her stories and her courage to make a career out of what she loves to do.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear – Elizabeth Gilbert

The best advice I can offer is to let your passion lead you. Like some will say, “follow your heart”. Starting and running your own business comes with both highs and lows. Limits will be pushed and determination will be questioned, but if you follow your true passion, stay busy and work smart you can truly take over the world.
Find her at all the of the places below!
She also has a lifestyle blog and etsy shop you can find on her website!
Mompreneur Blog Series


Mompreneur Blog Series | Dry Ink Designs

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