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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


Y’all… it has been ONE of THOSE DAYS. I just had to blog about it; because someday I will find it funny… and for now, all I can do is shake my head and say- we are alive! So, let me break it down for you:
6:20- Adalyn is up and scream-babbling, which inevitably wakes her sister up.
6:45- I roll out of bed (after going to bed at midnight- I know, my own fault), get the baby, change her diaper, get some milk and breakfast for her while checking emails and social media posts.
7:15- “MOMMMMY!!! LOOK!” Everleigh’s new handy “Time To Wake” clock lights up green (she has been patiently waiting in bed since her sister woke her up a half hour earlier).
7:20- Change a (still wet every morning) pull up. Apparently there is no end in sight in that aspect of potty training. Deal with a tantrum because I poured Life cereal and our threenager doesn’t want Life. I tell her fine, don’t eat it. She eats the whole bowl.
8:00- Let the dog out, go upstairs to get myself ready, make the bed, get the baby ready, get Evie ready (after MULTIPLE times of telling her to listen). Double check that I have swim clothes for the baby (she’s going to the sitter today) and Evie’s school bag (I forgot it one day last week).
8:30- Out the door for preschool- I feel like I’m forgetting something, but after checking again, seem to have everything.
8:50- Get to preschool (we’re usually early). Respond to a client email. Take pictures while walking into school so my parents know the procedure for when they watch the girls next week.
9:00- Head to the sitter to drop off Adalyn. Take a business call while en route.
9:30- Drop off baby to our amazing sitter; who we love! Yes. I did remember all of her swim stuff, and her lunch. Head to Mooresville for a business meeting.
10:00- Have an amazing and exciting meeting with my new friend Colby, at The Coop Marketing.
11:45- Leave to head to Davidson to pick up Evie. Answer some client texts about a session tonight, before hitting the road.
12:10- Get to preschool. Chat with the teachers about some things going on with Evie. Chat with some sweet preschool mamas about child UTIs and kids shoes, and pick up my kiddo.
12:30- Let Evie run around on the ramp outside (she newly discovered this after watching other kids do it for the last few months). Not even one run around and she’s screaming crying- bloody knees and hands. She cries the whole way to the sitter.
12:40- “Low Fuel”. CRAP. Kyle said the other night I needed gas and he offered to get me some later that night, but we got busy with yard work. I never pay attention to my fuel gauge because he usually does that for me (dependent much… I know). Evie’s still crying…
12:50- Get to the sitter to get Adalyn. Evie wants to come inside to see the little boys, but they are napping and I tell her that. I can hear her crying from the car because I leave her in her seat (all bloody) while I run to get her sister. Forget the check for the sitter in the car- she has to run out and try and calm Evie while I put Adalyn in her seat and grab her check (I am so thankful to have found such an amazing sitter for our girls!). Get the first aid kit out of the diaper and temporarily fix Evie up- which inevitably makes it worse.
1:00- Get gas and call my mom to try and keep Evie distracted from her hurting knees. I promise popsicles when we get home- but that only keeps her quite for about 2 minutes. Meanwhile, Adalyn didn’t have a morning nap so she’s rubbing her eyes and dying for bed in her car seat.
1:15- Pulling into the neighborhood I get a call from my neighbor- “Did you know Lily (our dog) is outside”? Me thinking ‘Oh no. How did she get loose!?’. Me to neighbor- “No, where is she?”. Neighbor- “She’s in your fence, but she’s been out there for awhile”. A look of horror comes across my face. OMG. She’s been out there since 8:30am this morning and it’s 85 degrees.
1:17- Grab the baby, run inside to let the dog in (she’s not panting too much, but was yapping up a storm at the gate- I apologize sincerely to my neighbors.). Go back out to the car to get Evie- bring her in, give her a popsicle and put Adalyn to nap. Go back outside to unload the car of diaper bag, school bag and work bag.
1:20- Get a business call and ask if I can call back- My oldest needs extra snuggles before nap today. Look at the sink full of dishes. UGH. The dishwasher needs to be unloaded (my LEAST favorite job).
1:25- Take Evie upstairs to clean up her scrapes and get new bandaids- head to nap and snuggle. All the while, thinking- CRAP. Dinner needs to be in the crockpot an hour ago.
1:40- Grab some lunch (a few spoonfuls of leftover mac & cheese) and get back on that business call I declined earlier.
1:55- Get onions and peppers cut up and chicken cleaned and thrown in the crockpot (Chicken Fajitas). Ummm… I hope we have taco seasoning, please Lord, let us having taco seasoning. We have no taco seasoning. Google a DIY and make one up out of the ingredients we do actually have… hope it tastes good! You’d be astonished at what all I’ve Googled to take up a DIY project. At one occasion, I was looking at this Resin Bound Patio DIY on the internet. So fascinated am I by DIY projects.

2:15- Sit down and PRAY I  didn’t miss any meetings for my Health Coach Consultant job (I usually try to sign on between 1-2pm). Work on some things for them while the girls sleep until 3:30pm.
3:30pm- Pull up my bookkeeping and pay sales tax and penalty fees (apparently the NCDOR never received my privilege license from the year before). Walk by the laundry room and look at the pile of clothes on the floor… I really need to finish that task- I started doing laundry on Sunday.
3:45pm- Get Evie up (she has to pee). Send some emails for our Snapography class. Upload a client gallery. Write this blog post.
Hopefully dinner tastes good. I have a photo session at 6pm and am crossing my fingers it doesn’t rain (the clouds are rolling in). My parents will be here tomorrow morning (I still need to straighten up the guest room). The dog is still alive (and the kids too).
Can you see the craziness that is my life. Not every day is this crazy… but it’s usually some sort of combination of this. This is how we get it done people… ANY WAY WE KNOW HOW! All that matters is that at the end of the day everyone is alive and loved. I hope you found this as comical as I will someday!


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