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Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


mommy and me photography nc

I am so, so excited to bring this event to you this year. I have done Mama & Me Petite Sessions for the last several years, and they are far and away some of the most special Mommy and me mini sessions of the year for me. I just love watching mamas and their kiddos connect and love capturing that in an image. This year we will be including some fabulous add-ons and extras that I can’t wait to share with you!

First, we will have Lindsey of Lovely By Lindsey onsite to provide hair and make-up enhancements. We will get bulbs and lamp holder for the lighting. These will be quick little touchups to add a little something extra to your typical look. Think false lashes, blemish coverage, contouring/highlighting and some extra curls or a fun braid. You should be prepared and come in your usual make-up and hair. Lindsey will take your everyday look and enhance it to really stand out on an end zone camera, while still being naturally YOU! This will be an add-on for the amazing deal of $40.

Next, you’ll have full access to our Client Wardrobe as a perk during any session with CWP. I’ll also be sending out some style inspiration boards to help guide you if you choose to pick your own outfits.

Lastly, you will be receiving a swag bag with your session. Y’all… I CAN NOT with this swag bag. There are SO MANY good things in it!

Just a few of the gracious companies that have sent things for you:

Kendra Scott
What The Fluff Organic Cotton Candy
Sleep Baby Consulting


 How To Book

Ok, so you’re obviously super excited and dying to know how to grab your spot, right?! Check out the two spaces below to determine where you fit best!

2018 VIP Clients


FREE (option to upgrade to full gallery for $225)

If you’re a 2018 client that booked a full session OR saw me twice last year for a petite session, you’re in luck! This event is extra special for YOU. We will be celebrating you BIG this Mother’s Day to say thank you for your support and allowing me to capture your family.

What’s’ Included:

  • Motherhood session for mama + babies (even if they’re 12!)
  • 8×10 Mounted Print
  • Access to Studio Wardrobe
  • Swag Bag

*You will have the option to purchase all of the digital files from your session at a great discount if you’d like, but it is not mandatory!

Past + New Clients

$325 ($100 due to book)

Any remaining spots available, after the VIPs have grabbed their spot, the event will be opened to the public following VIP booking. These sessions are for past clients that perhaps I haven’t seen recently, or frequently, as well as any new clients that might want to give us a try to see if we’re a good fit!

What’s Included:

  • Motherhood session for mama + babies (even if they’re 12!)
  • 5 digital files in an online gallery
  • Access to Studio Wardrobe
  • Swag Bag

    grab your spot here!

mini sessions photography near me


Motherhood Event

This Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session was one of the highlights of the year. Offering branding sessions has been such a fun way to keep things fresh. Plus, I love collaborating with other creatives in the Davidson, NC, area! Davidson Flower Co. Branding Session | North Carolina Something you may not know about me or […]

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Local Resources List

Baby + Kid Must-Haves

Hospital Bag Checklist

Resources for the new mom, the seasoned mom and the cool mom.

remember to take these


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What session is right for you?

