Blogging is a real struggle, I’ll be honest. This First birthday session in the studio was taken well over a year ago, almost two… Any entrepreneur knows all of the hats that we wear, and that some things will never be as well done as we had hoped. This is why I’ve decided to shift to outsourcing some of my tasks. Firstly, is blogging. I am SO excited to be working with Harbor Creative Co. starting in the next few months to take over my blogging and make sure your sessions are actually getting some screen time!
Hopefully you have all of these images hanging in your home for you to enjoy seeing every day, but if you don’t, I’m here to help with that. As of July we are now a full-service portrait studio helping our clients form the very first details of portrait planning, to the very last… eventually even including framing installation (which is a very exciting element for us all, including dad!). I’m so excited to take you along for the ride as we grow and expand!
“First Birthday Session”
