This sweet girl is so much fun to be around! She is always smiling and has lots of personality!
Mom had asked to photograph at a a location I had never shot before, but had been wanting to check out! I was so glad she requested it, because it’s a wonderful location! Full of my favorite things- natural elements and pretty light. I was just in time to receive those cheap macro lens for Nikon, and so, could successfully get some other scenery shots too!
Mom picked out this dress especially for this special milestone shoot commemorating her SECOND birthday (our babies grow too fast!). It arrived just in time and made for the cutest wardrobe for this pretty environmental background!
Little Miss Dori wasn’t exactly thrilled at getting her picture made on that particular morning, but she was still willing to share some smiles with us in true Dori fashion! Her curls just kill me!
Another fun tidbit about this location- there are seasonal set ups for pumpkins and Christmas trees that make for a great backdrop to tell more of the story and the season in which the photos are being taken (it can be confusing here in NC, seeing as there are pumpkins out and girlfriend is wearing sleeveless dresses- YES, that’s a perk of the South!). Ya’ll know I love detail shots. Focusing on the little details helps us freeze how itty bitty our babies are in that very moment. Her little hands are so sweet!
If you’d like to see more of my child photography, you can visit my child gallery.
