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Child Sessions



Newborn, Family + Brand photographer, Mama to three, lover of dessert & pretty things. 

Meet Chrissy



Lifestyle Blog


A very happy half-birthday indeed to this darling little one! Miss E was dressed up and full of smiles for her session. I met her mommy though another client, and was delighted to capture this fun half-birthday milestone. Little Miss E wore a sweet little eyelet dress, and we posed her in a rocking chair […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This sweet girl turned one just a few days after I had my second little one. Luckily, mom was thinking ahead and we were able to sneak in a milestone birthday session for her before my littlest love arrived! We decided on a local park to capture the moments… This is one of mom and […]

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just adore this little boy and his family. I have had the pleasure of photographing them over the last year, and each time, they are so sweet and fun to work with! When mom contacted me to do this baby boy Cake Smash, I was so excited! Cake Smash’s are some of the most […]

Baby Boy One Year Portraits

I had the pleasure of working with this family for the first time last month… yes, last month… January. Remember that month when it was mild and dry?! We decided to have the session at Jetton Park. There are lots of great places to get some nice background shots there, plus the family is new […]

Cornelius NC Child Photographer
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This little man is just the handsomest, and now he is a big ONE YEAR OLD! I first met Baby Parker when his mom and I connected while I was on the search for a Make Up Artist. She happened to pop up in my newsfeed through a mutual friend, I feel in love with her […]

Concord NC Children's Photographer
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While we were home visiting over Christmas, I snapped some three month photos of my niece, and I’m pretty thrilled with how well Lu did in front of the camera. She is so easy to get smiles out of, it makes my job super easy! I may be a bit partial to this little darling, […]

I have had the pleasure of working with Isa’s mom, Roxanne for the last year. She owns an awesome little business over in Cornelius called Lake Norman 3D Imaging. You may have heard me mention it a half dozen times over on Always, C, since I am seeing her for my 3D Ultrasounds for Baby […]

Senior Photographer Cornelius NC
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have another fun senior session to share with you today! Madison contacted me last minute for her senior photos and I’m so glad we were able to squeeze her in! We had a super fun session and mom and her had some great location ideas we were able to utilize! Also- here is something […]

Davidson NC Senior Photographer
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had the pleasure of meeting Lexus about a month ago. I am friends with her mom, Heather, of Pickles to Perfection and Organic Mama Deals. She was such a sweetheart and so much fun to photograph! Lexus is the oldest of five, with two siblings close in age and two siblings much younger. FYI- […]

When Baby A’s mom reached out to me and said that due to various circumstances, they hadn’t had any professional pictures done of this little cutie yet, I was so honored they chose me to capture the first ones! Baby A was just the most lovable little thing, although it took her a good bit to […]

Davidson, NC Children Photographer

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Baby + Kid Must-Haves

Hospital Bag Checklist

Resources for the new mom, the seasoned mom and the cool mom.

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